Tuesday, February 26, 2008
So Very Sweet
Tonight at dinner Luke made the following statement out of the blue and completely unprompted: "I have a good idea. I bet Mommy's pretty." If I ever doubted my good looks before this evening, I am now a believer. It doesn't seem to matter that it was the end of the day and I was wearing sweats and a t-shirt with hair in a pony-tail. It also doesn't matter to me that the two statements are mildly non sequitur. It was a good idea. And Mommy is very pretty. Just ask Daddy!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Pretending with Daddy
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Good Day, Sunshine!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Cute Rollers

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
After BSF, I figured the boot cuteness was pretty much done for the day. Not even close. After nap, Luke spotted Paul's yellow boots in his room. These were a gift from Oma and had not yet been discovered by Luke. Having remedied his previous oversight, Luke felt strongly that Paul and he should wear their boots together. Pictures were a must. Paul's boots didn't really fit - we waited a tad too long. Luke said that was okay because his boots fit fine. Aaah. The logic of the two year old. Maybe Paul will get another pair for the spring rains...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Food Fun

Saturday, February 16, 2008
So Much For Goals

Other cuteness occurred toward the end of the evening as Baby Paul spotted the camera. He and the Daddy-Man are looking pretty happy.
In other news, Paul turned seven months today. I took the pictures this morning and he couldn't have been more tickled. He is laughing outloud in most of these shots. Too cute!

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Better Behaved Boy and Other Blessings
We headed to church and Luke enjoyed his time in Kidzone. Baby Paul was quarantined in the port-a-crib and didn't seem to mind at all. We are blessed to attend a satellite service held in an elementary school where everyone knows us and loves us. Hence when we show up with a snotty, coughy baby, our friend Jean just smiles and takes him anyway. So you don't worry, his fever was totally absent today. I'm actually thinking it was more connected with his teething than his cold, but I'm still taking him to the pediatrician tomorrow. It's been three weeks and I want antibiotics. Enough is enough.
After church we came home for lunch and super quick naps. We actually had to wake Luke from his nap to head out the door again. We lead a small group on Sunday afternoons, but it meets in a house that is roughly 40 minutes north of us. That probably sounds nuts, but we love these people and feel blessed to spend time with them. It's not always convenient, but it is always rewarding.
We arrived home and had a very smooth transition to bedtime. I love it. Here are the cute pictures.
Before church Luke was reading to Elephant from one of his current favorites. This is all taking place in Paul's room because Luke really wanted to be reading to Paul who was unavailable at the time.
This evening before his bedtime, Baby Paul was showing off his sitting skills. Those are 9 month jammies and they are fitting a little snug. Oh dear.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
My Goal
Luke had a great day with a horrible ending. Being two is tough. Tomorrow is a new day. He did enjoy time playing with his fire engine and walking around the block with Mommy. It was after dinner that he melted and needed to be wrestled, literally, into his pajamas. Poor guy. I didn't get any pictures of that, but here are some cute shots from earlier in the day.

Drop leaf tables are excellent for hiding. You can't really see me if I can't see you
There he is!
You would never know he's sick. Such a happy boy.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Part of today's brand of fun was the wearing of hats. Luke brought his fireman's hat and kindly allowed his playmate to wear it. I was amazed. Luke is wearing a helmet backward. Reason unknown.