Friday, December 19, 2008

More Snow

It's still snowy here. That's a little crazy, but we are doing well. Yesterday morning I took Paul out and he lasted about seven minutes. It's just not his gig. Part of the problem is the boots. They are a touch too big, making it really difficult for him to walk. But he's still adorable. Luke, on the other hand, is really enjoying the snow. Yesterday he made snowballs and threw them at the fence, at the shed and at my back. I made a snow angel, thinking I might inspire Luke to do the same. Something about me jumping up and down afterward, hollering about snow being down my pants made him decide against it. Note to self: Tuck in shirt before making snow angel. BRRRR!
The snow has continued to fall today, but Luke decided to watch a video with Oma instead of go outside. Probably for the best. If he spends much more time outside with me, he will become the biggest snow wimp ever. Here are some pics from the past week, some of the snow, some just for fun.

Luke with snowball in hand...probably telling me that I should let him throw it at me!

Luke with his frog umbrella headed out for a walk. Our house in the snow!

Paul looking philosophical in the snow, but then...

He fell down. So...

Snow done Paul Style - inside on a warm, soft towel. This kid is no dummy.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

thanks for the photos...I am missing the boys, Love, Grandma