Thursday, May 21, 2009

Play Date Fun

We enjoyed a play date with friends this morning and I just thought I would post a few pictures, mostly for the benefit of Oma. These friends have a great backyard with tons of cool activities. It was a perfect day for it.

Paul contemplates the goal.

He shoots...

He scores!



Lynne said...

Charming...Love, Grandma...see you all tomorrow.

The Johnsons said...

It's so cute seeing the li'l Bangsunds and Meeks together! I really can't wait for Paul and Will to play -- birthday buddies! My Mom is looking at the blog with me and she says hello! :)

Nikki said...

Thanks for sharing. Having a wonderful weather! 85 yesterday. Cooler to day. Give the boys a hug from Oma.
Love you all,