Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mommy is Sick

Oy. I'm sick. I've had a nagging cough and congestion for about a week. Tuesday afternoon I started to run a low-grade fever. Wednesday morning I couldn't go to Bible Study Fellowship because of said fever. Lynne came in the morning to entertain the troops, and my mom came after BSF to take over. My fever was not-so-low-grade this morning, so Erik took a sick day while I called my doctor. She asked me all the usual questions and then surprised me with a diagnosis for a deep sinus infection. The drainage is causing the cough. The infection is causing my dizziness, fever and feelings of exhaustion. I get to take antibiotics now. And rest.

Daddy is in charge. The boys spent the better part of three hours this morning watching Mr. Rogers DVDs. There are worse things they could be doing. One of the DVDs showed Mr. Rogers visiting a pretzel making factory. When Erik ran out the store for milk, yogurt and other essentials, he picked up some pretzels for the boys. He's so cool. Here's a picture of them sitting out back enjoying their treat. Did I mention that the weather is amazingly beautiful? It is. Here's a picture.

Boys and Pretzels


Lynne said...

thanks for the post and photo. So hope you feel better soon. See you in the morning.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

So glad you are back on your feet. The boys are adorable what can I say.
Love, Oma