Friday, October 11, 2013

So Much Random Stuff

Wow.  It's been awhile, huh?  Sorry about that.  No excuses.  Just some catch up.

September was full of homeschooling, BSFing and other bits of fun.  I don't think I'm going to try to remember it all.  Instead, I think I'll upload a bunch of random pics from the last month and let them tell the stories.

This is WAY overdue, because this actually happened on August 17th.  Paul lost both of us bottom teeth.  It was the day I was at my area workshop for BSF, but he was thrilled to tell me the story and pose for this picture.  He's so cute.

Speaking of cute...
 We went to a mustache themed birthday party.  Paul won the game, "Pin the Mustache on the Face" and the prize was this epically awesome t-shirt.  Here he is posing with the birthday boy.

 We got new chairs for the school table.  I love them and so do the boys.

Luke started piano lessons!  What does this picture have to do with that?  I'll tell you.

 Paul and I have about 25 minutes to burn while Luke has his lesson each Monday afternoon.  So, we have gone on some dates!  This is Paul pretending he just drank all my Americano himself.

Luke is learning all the linking verbs and how they work.  I made up a fat stack of index cards with subjects and adjectives.  He got to create sentences.  This was my favorite.  For obvious reasons.

 Anyone disagree?  I didn't think so.

Our awesome neighbors retired and traveled to Norway to celebrate.  Then Mr. Tim came over and did an amazing lesson for the boys that included some Norwegian history, an awesome map, very cool pictures of their trip, and an art appreciation lesson that pointed to the grace of Jesus Christ.  I'm not even kidding.  It was rad.

 These boys sat at this table with this map, a globe and an iPad for a little over an hour listening intently and asking questions.  I drank coffee.  Is God good and amazing?  Yes.  Yes He is.

In science we are doing Astronomy this year.  Our first unit was an overview of the solar system.  So we made one using balloons and string and a lot of butcher paper.  Below the boys are coloring the sun.  It took three of these to make it seem big enough.  We talked about how we couldn't actually make it big enough because the sun can hold 1 million earths.  One. Million.  Dang.

Here are a few shots of the finished product.  The distances are NOT to scale, but the sizes of the planets are relatively accurate.  Jupiter is biggest, Uranus and Neptune are about the same size, etc.

And now, lest you think that everything we do is educationally inspiring, a reality check:

 They spend much of their time building stuff like this.  And I think it's cool.  Over and over again I feel like I am preserving their childhood, giving them time to be creative and imaginative.  They come up with crazy ideas and then they figure out how to do them.  It might actually be a marketable skill someday, people.

These next pictures are so beautiful and lovely to me that I cannot resist posting them.  Sometime in September, the boys cleaned their rooms.  Isn't it beautiful?

 This picture might actually serve as a good before shot.  Like many things these days, Luke's bed is getting downsized.  He doesn't need that much bed and it takes up valuable LEGO space.  We thought of doing a loft bed, but he's just too little still.  Getting up and using the bathroom at night would be treacherous at best.

Carpet picnics became a regular thing in September after Erik was given some large gift certificates from one of his regular caterers.  These box lunches are simple, but they gave me Fridays without cooking or dishes for a few weeks.  Awesome.  That's what that is.

Paul likes to go outside and battle the wind.  Yep.  When he notices the wind whipping our trees, he grabs these shields and runs the length of the yard over and over again, sometimes growling as he goes.

Finally, on what was probably the last blue sky day of the year, we hosted two German exchange students for a day of sight seeing and fun.  Oddly, and sadly, I don't have any pictures of the girls, but here are the boys at the top of Rocky Butte.

Well, people, that is the most random collection of business I've ever posted.  It's actually a pretty good representation of life here in BangsundLand.  Random, smiley, and thunderously loud.  Right?


Courtney said...

Bangsundland continues to inspire. Are your boys still studying other cultures? I'd love to send you all some goodies from Japan!

Unknown said...

What a happy busy fall you are having.I love your new back drop!