Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Day of School and Other Joys

Lorene Park Academy started school a week ago today.  We had a great beginning to the school year and things have been going well.  Here are a TON of pics for the interested!

 Our classroom table all set to go.

 The welcome sign

 Our memory verse and character trait for the week.

Happiest First Grader on the Block 

 Sweetest Preschooler on the Block

Students and Teacher :-)

Getting down to business 

 Paul wrote his name all by himself on his First Day of School Questionnaire

 There he is, folks!

 More sweetness!

In other news, our family of seven is doing well.  Living in community brings so many blessings.  One of my favorite moments so far has involved Mr. David entertaining the boys during the Arsenic Hour...that's the time between 4pm and 5pm when I'm cooking dinner, the children are usually screaming, and I just want to poison the food.  In steps Mr. David to play Grizzly Bear with the boys in the basement.  Seriously?  I'm feeling like I should pay this guy!

Another sweet moment came when Mr. Matt challenged Paul to see how neatly he could eat his dinner last night, making it into a game.  Paul was intrigued, but actually didn't manage to keep much cheese off the floor.  Oh well. It was a valiant effort.

There have also been amazing moments of having other folks take out the garbage, empty the dishwasher, and sweep the floor.  WHAT?!?  That's just beautiful.

 Here we all are at our first dinner together, which didn't actually happen until this past weekend.  Starting with Erik and going around clockwise...Erik, Shantel, Matt, Luke, David, and Paul.  Not pictured: Amy, the happiest hostess on the block. :-)


Jill Foley said...

Is there significance to the name Lorene Park Academy?

I like your set up. I also like your verse - might have to borrow that one from you!

white rabbit said...

beautiful family..God bless you always.