The cutest moment of yesterday was the dance fest in the kitchen. We have discovered Pandora, a website where you create your own online streaming radio stations, based on your personal preferences. We have stations for Oldies, 80's, Christmas, A capella, and finally Erik created the early 90's mix yesterday afternoon. The dancing commenced. There are no pictures or video because Mommy was too busy dancing! Everyone joined in and I must say, both my boys have moves.
Yesterday evening Erik and I went to Anthony and Sarah's for dinner, some new friends. They have an adorable baby boy who is at that super cute stage of crawling up into your lap just so he can smile at you. I'm addicted to him. We also had fun teaching them to play Settlers of Catan, a game that is complex to learn but crazy fun once you have it down. We had a great time with them, but the best part of the evening was arriving home and hearing from Brenda, our babysitter, that the boys were sweet all evening. Brenda is a BSF buddy from my time in the evening class. Her two girls are a senior in high school and a sophomore in college. Her life is different from mine. Erik and I prayed as we drove away for the evening that the boys would be a joy to Brenda and she would be blessed for the time she spent with them. God is faithful and He can do ANYTHING!! :-)
Today was a mixed bag. We served in Mosaic Kids, the Sunday School program at church, for just the second time. It is so fun getting to know everyone and the program itself. Our role is Gathering Host. It's a jack-of-all trades kind of job. We help get knew folks checked in while also helping teachers get needed supplies. When there is an emergency teacher absence (usually because of illness) we jump in and fill the position. This is easy because there are two teachers in every class, so the other one does the teaching. I got to be in the third-fifth classroom today. It was a blast! I forget how much I enjoy kids and then I get tossed into the mayhem only to discover, I belong there. Good times.
So the not so fun parts of the day involved violent action on the part of my three-year-old toward my one-year old. Luke has the horrible habit of pushing Paul and today Paul was pushed hard enough to fall down and smash his head into a doorframe in the hallway. I didn't realize the extent of the injury until later, but I could tell by Paul's reaction that he was in a lot of pain. I have never been that angry at Luke before. It was awful. When we finally got everyone calmed down, Mommy included, we showed Luke the small cut and large bump beginning to grow on Paul's forehead. Luke immediately apologized to both Paul and Mommy, of his own volition. I think he knew that he had damaged my baby and I wasn't happy with him. Forgiveness is precious because God is able to show Himself through us broken human beings. After dinner, during which Luke was rude, defiant and in all ways unpleasant, I was able to sit down with him and say, "Today was a hard day. I forgive you. Tomorrow will be better." Those were my exact words. I could almost see the weight of it lift from his face. His response was a simple, "Okay, Mommy."
And now some pics:
Great moments you have captured!! The hug is very precious and are the elephants...the piano in cocoa well what can I say. He looks like he is having soooo much fun!
I love Pandora. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in India, or any other foreign country for that matter. I'm glad you've discovered it!
The elephants picture has to be one of my favorite things I've seen in a long time. I literally laughed out loud. does sound like it was a full weekend. So glad you can laugh about the challenging times. Just remember all the precious moments when the times get tough.
With love, Lynne
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