Tuesday, December 29, 2009


It wasn't in the weather forecast, but it's snowing anyway. Today right before naptime Luke asked me, "When is it going to snow?" I sadly told him that where we live, it doesn't snow every year. About a half hour before he woke up, it started to snow rather earnestly here. In the past hour we've accumulated probably an inch and a half of snow. It's beautiful. The weather man says it will all be gone by 8pm. I'm not sure that I believe him. Regardless, it's lovely and fun. The boys went out for a few minutes already. We live in a rather windy area, so they spent most of that time wiping snow out of their eyes. Perhaps if the stuff is still around in the morning, they can enjoy it again.

Looking out the playroom window at the snow.

Luke is ready to go. His clothes all clash, but he's warm.

No, I haven't gained sixty pounds. I'm bundled!

Paul attempting to catch a snowflake or two on his tongue instead of in his eyes.

"We like to eat this stuff."


Lynne said...

Let it snow!!!! Darling

Love, Grandma

Rachel said...

I love your blog and feel like I keep up with the happenings of the Bangsunds because of it. I miss you and maybe someday we can get together...maybe you will be here for a wedding on June 20...