Friday, October 17, 2014

Musings and Pictures

October has been pretty great so far, albeit, rather full.  I'll start with some musings and get to pictures.  I promise.

Musing #1 - Freedoms I take for granted
Grandma and Grandpa are traveling in China right now.  We have been able to exchange a few emails, but they are unable to access the blog while there.  It's not because they don't have the internet.  It's because the internet they have is only through a firewall that bans Blogger.  Pausing to think that through, I became very thankful for our country.

Yes, there are things here that make me nuts.  Yes, there are things on the internet that I find revolting and untenable.  But censorship isn't the answer.  Heart issues just cannot be legislated in my opinion.  It's like when I discipline my boys for being rude to me or some other adult.  I don't want just behavior modification.  I want heart transformation.  Sticky business, folks.  And probably not the realm of government.  Um...if this is offensive to you...just know that I'm not ultra political at all, and I probably don't know what I'm talking about.  I just feel like the freedom to blog is beautiful.  And I'm grateful for it.  Right?  Okay.

Musing #2 - Why moms should do Taekwondo with their kids
Because it rocks.  We have attended four classes over the past four weeks.  It is true that last week I nearly vomited after our twenty-five minutes of calisthenics, but our 4th degree black belt instructor, Master Niranjan, said I was doing fine.  Note to self: no somersaults for me.  They make me ill.  :-/

ANYWAY, the boys think it is so cool that their mom is punching and kicking alongside them.  Seriously.  Today while doing a round of Ax Kicks, I slammed the ball of my foot down as hard as I could onto the giant sparring pad our instructor was holding, and IT FELT SO GOOD.  Did I mention that I get to yell "HI-YAH!" as loudly as possible.  This sport is perfect for moms.  Every moment of frustration you've carried through the week - HI-YAH!  Every time your kids didn't listen and you wanted to punch something - HI-YAH!  Best. Stress. Reliever. Ever.  Cheapest?  Nope.  But the best!

The boys are actually going to start going twice a week.  I am fairly confident that I would die if I tried to go twice a week, but my desire to improve (and my new fitbit) have me working out more often, including push-ups and sit-ups daily.  WHAT?!?  I know.  There's just something about knowing that there is going to be a dude on Friday at 10am expecting me to get better at this stuff.  It motivates me.  I also don't want the boys to pass me up too quickly. Right?  ;-)

And now for the pictures.  I'm sorry I don't have any from Taekwondo.  I'm too busy being awesome to take pictures.

I'll share from our trip down the Gorge to get apples a few weekends ago.

First the view from the apple farm we visit:

 I took this picture myself!  The days was perfect.

After buying LOTS of apples, none of which I photographed, we needed to kill some time before heading to a house warming party in The Dalles.  So we went to this park, just five minutes from the apple farm:

The play structure was fine, but the Daddy-Man found this stream and that is where we spent the next hour and a half.

What is it with boys and bodies of water?

 This one likes to get dirty.

I posed this picture, but I still like it.  I think it captures so much about my boy.


Courtney said...

That view is spectacular, and your boys are adorable. We're sure hoping to end up in the northwest in the very near future.

Unknown said...

How the boys and water. You brought back memories from playing in Grandma's creek. What a fun memory for the boys!
Love, Mom