Saturday, September 27, 2014

Click, Clack Deutsch and Taekwondo

This is becoming the Year of the Elective in our house.  Of course, we continue to study all our other subjects, but the Lord has provided a few new things as well.  I'm always reticent to add things into our day.  It can be SUPER tempting as a homeschooling mom to think that we can do it ALL.  We can't.  And when we try, we end up very grumpy and lacking in compassion for each other.  Nevermind the fact that I don't want to spend a fortune on things we won't use and just end up ditching.  So far, these additions fit our family well.  It doesn't hurt that they are fun and engaging.

We added keyboarding to our subject list when we started school in August.  In fact, the boys started keyboarding before school began.  I purchased Keyboarding Without Tears for $6.50 per student.  Thirteen dollars, people.  That's SO cheap for curriculum.  It has been a pretty big hit here.  It's usually fun and involves games they play on the computer.  Perfect fit.  They are learning to type (VERY SLOWLY) and it gives one of them something to do while I help the other with more individual subjects like language arts.

Lest you think my "Homeschooling Fail" box is empty, let me tell you about foreign language study.  I attempted to add German last year.  I bought books and workbooks.  We started going through them.  I didn't love it, and neither did they.  It didn't fit.  We ditched it after just a few weeks.  WHAT?  I taught this subject in the public schools.  I am stinkin' endorsed to teach this subject.  It was my VERY favorite subject to teach.  You would think...well...that's not how it played out in my homeschooling journey.   A vital choice that every homeschool mom makes is to let go of her expectations of herself and embrace another path when it is necessary.

This summer when I saw Rosetta Stone at 50% off, I did some research.  All the demos looked like something my boys would like.  So, I bought it.  Even at half price, it wasn't cheap by any means.  And I went whole hog and got all five levels.  I knew at the very least I wanted to brush up. I was actually the first one to try it out.  I set it to basically quiz me on each unit for Level 1.  It was easy to rip through it, but also helpful to see the types of activities it would be asking the boys to do.  Then, like most savvy moms, I didn't tell them it was time to do German on the computer.  I let them catch me playing with Rosetta Stone.

"What's that?  Can I try it?  What are those pictures about?  When can I try it?"

Yep.  I'm sneaky.  It just usually works, so I see no shame in it.  They are both about a third of the way through the first unit.  They can speak a little and understand a lot.  We are all excited for the Sunday in October when we host German students for one day.  Perhaps a wee bit of Deutsch will be spoken by my children.  Perhaps not.  No pressure.  Just fun.

Finally, yesterday was the day to add our final elective for the year.  Luke has been interested in studying some form of martial arts for a few months now.  After speaking with Dr. Lennen, the fabulous clinical psychologist whom we see with Luke, we decided to pursue this avenue of physical activity for both boys.

Do you know how many different martial arts schools there are in the Portland Metro Area?  TONS.  How do we pick one?  We prayed about it.  And then we looked at the one that was closest to our house.  I know.  Super discerning, aren't we?  It's just a truth that I am a better mom when I am not driving across town in rush hour traffic with my kids fussing in the backseat worried about being late for something.  I believe strongly that Jesus wants me to be a better mom.  I'm not saying I NEVER drive a distance for an activity.  I attend Bible Study in another city for crying in the gridlocked traffic.  I'm called to that business, and it doesn't stress me out.  But it made such good sense to check out the school closest to our house first.

The boys and I went for our introductory private lesson yesterday.  It rocked.  Did you notice the possessive pronoun in that first sentence?  Our.  Yes.  I am taking Taekwondo with the kids.  It is so much fun and a very good workout.  Our instructor is a young man who has been in the United States for ten years after having immigrated here from Nepal.  He has a black belt and has won championships in Southeast Asia.  But the best thing about him is his warm, welcoming smile.  And the fact that he's teaching my kids to say, "Yes sir" and "Yes ma'am."  For real.

He did make me do real push-ups, but we still like him. ;-)

Wanna see some pictures?

 They just received their uniforms.  They are very excited.  Yes, I know.  They need haircuts. ;-)

Luke in his uniform.  I tied that belt myself!


Unknown said...

Oh my say anything to Paul but how adorable are they?! I love it...can hardly wait to hear about it.
Love, Oma

Courtney said...

You make me want to homeschool =)