Monday, April 7, 2008

Hello Again

I'm not sure what happened, but I can tell you this. It might have something to do with the fact that my mom came and visited. There's something awesome about sitting up late chatting with the woman who has known you longer than anyone else and still likes you. Hope you have a similar blessing in your life. Regardless, that's the excuse I'm going to use for falling off the blog-o-sphere. But now I'm back.

We had a lovely weekend in Sunriver with Erik's parents. It snowed over there and Luke went out to play...sort of. He spent the first half hour sitting on a towel and screaming every time the snow touched him. So, he had to come in for a time out. Then he figured out he could scoop the snow with the measuring cup that had been the snowman's hat. He proceeded to clear the entire deck of snow using a half cup measuring cup. That's my boy! I do not know where he gets this propensity for order and cleanliness. There are times when I put this gift to good use, but there are also the times when the trucks are not lined up properly and a meltdown ensues. Medication anyone? For me, not him.

In other news, Paul got his first haircut last night. It was bath time and the long hair just had to go. I only cut the back. I didn't have the fortitude to cut the curly front locks or the curls around his ears. He still is very much my baby boy. I just needed the rest of the world to stop asking how old she is. :-)

Totally random tangent: I got a Pilates workout video for beginners from the library. First impression - Is there a more beginner video available? Enough said about that.

I like you people. Thanks for reading my blog and bugging me when I don't post. Here are the pics.

Someone is missing, but he just couldn't be bothered. The rest of us look cute.

After his time out, Luke spent a few moments conversing with the snowman Erik made.





Anonymous said...

Great fun seeing and talking to you today!


Lynne said...

what a fun weekend.. see you tomorrow. Love, a Happy Grandma

Unknown said...

What fun! Like the new look on Paul..he seems pleased with it. Luke's chat with the snowman is so precious. Thanks for sharing.
Love, Oma

NaeLee said...

You have the cutest little family, Amy. I hope you are all doing well! =0)

Rachel said...

Glad to have you back on here. I've been worried. I miss you!