Friday, April 3, 2009

Hair Cuts and Puzzles

I took both boys to get hair cuts yesterday. At the same time. Together. It actually went really well. The place I take them is designed for children and has a train table. That's pretty much all that is required for the boys to declare a place awesome. I love the women that work there. They are patient and kind. About fifteen seconds into Paul's cut, Luke declared his need to pee on the potty. This necessitated all three of us heading into the one-seater bathroom. She didn't bat an eye at this insanity. She's got kids. This was Paul's first "official" hair cut. He did better than fabulous. He was perfect. I had him sit on my lap, and he seriously didn't flinch, cry, whine, or wince once. Low maintenance dude. Luke also did well, only wincing at the finishing job with the trimmer. I think they look great. Here's a video of them yesterday after we got home. They are working on a puzzle together. Luke is a tad bossy, but Paul doesn't seem to mind.


Lynne said...

More than charming!!! Love, Grandma andGrandpa

Anonymous said...

I'm sad this is as close to your family as the oceans between your country and my country will allow. :( I am GOING to save up all my pennies and come over. I SWEAR!!

Jo :)
