Sunday, April 5, 2009


The weather has finally started to look like Spring. Blue sky, slight breeze. Good stuff. Naturally I'm down with some sort of chest cold. I felt mostly fine until last night when it hit hard. I woke up I'm hoping that resting today and drinking lots of EmergenC will do the trick. And despite feeling mildly under the weather, I'm enjoying the breezy shade on my front porch at this moment. Paul and Oma are on a walk around the block. Luke is still napping, as is the Daddy-Man.

From my porch I enjoy a great view of my street. I love sitting here. The porch itself is tiny, not large enough for a chair, so I use the steps. Candy tuft and daffodils are blooming in my yard. My neighbor is cleaning out his car. Weeds have taken over the lava rock that separates the sidewalk from the street. Our lawn is mowed, but not manicured liked some. I had a fabulous professor in college, Dennis Martin, whom Erik house sat for the summer we got married. Dennis told Erik to mow the lawn, but not too short. Even while summering in the south of France, he liked to think of his lawn in Tacoma, WA as being a little overgrown. Lovely.

We missed church today because of my cold. I was bummed because it's Palm Sunday, our first at Mosaic. Each year I like to consider the journey of Jesus during this week. He knew riding in on that donkey what Friday would hold. He also knew that the next Sunday would change the world forever. I won't miss church next Sunday, even if I have to wear a sign that says, "Don't touch me. I'm sick." It's just too cool to miss.

And now a few pics of the boys, just for fun. These were taken pre-haircuts, but they are too cute not to share.

Luke wearing his Cubbies vest and holding his Cubbies book. So cute.

Paul with his first flower, a dandelion picked from our neighbor's yard. I don't think she'll mind.


Lynne said...

Hi there--- sorry for the cold, I made it to Church, but I am fighting a ery sore throat... it is good the sun is shinning. Hope you are feeling better soon. Love, Lynne

Jess said...

I love Dennis Martin. If I told him Erik says "hi," do you think he'd know who I was talking about? He's such a sweet guy, I can totally imagine him so dedicated to the very lengths of each blade of grass. :)

I haven't been on the blog in awhile. It's good to be back. The boys look wonderful. Miss you!