Wednesday, June 20, 2012

More Play Structure Fun

The boys are absolutely sold on the new play structure, and it isn't even finished yet!  The weather over the past few days has been less than lovely, but at each sun break they have run outside to enjoy it.  Here's my favorite picture, showing our progress.

Here we see the finished rope bridge and the attached rock climbing wall accompanied by my children who posed themselves with no help from me.  My favorite part is Luke's left hand on his hip.  Who taught him to pose like that?!?  Do I do that in pictures?  Where has he seen this modeled?  (Pun intended.)

In not-so-fun news, Paul has had three bloody noses in the last 24 hours.  I had bloody noses as a kid, so it's probably just a crazy dry nose thing.  He goes everywhere with a red washcloth now.  And I'm letting them watch a video in an effort to let his goofy nose rest and heal.  Sad that the weather today is finally awesome.  Oh well.  We have the whole summer, right?

1 comment:

Diane Thomas Hart said...

Alex had bloody noses. Turns out he had blood vessels too close to the surface. Got them coterized and no more bloody noses. Did it after the 3rd visit from the fire department.