I have a theory. Let me start with the story of our day so far. We spent the morning at Taekwondo testing. All three of us earned our Orange belts! Woot! But I digress.
After testing, the boys and I headed for the library and now we are enjoying the nearly seventy degree weather at the local park.
Within five minutes of our arrival, both boys have entered conversations with other kids and are creating games for all of them to play together. They include everyone regardless of age, something that is a complete enigma to their peers. But the public school kids will allow it for awhile.
Here's my theory: I think that some homeschool kids are actually more capable of healthy socialization than many other kids. My kids don't spend any time worrying about what other kids think of them and it draws people to them. It's more fun to be around people who are comfortable in their own skin. My people have not been conditioned to look to their peers for their worth. At times, that can be disconcerting for those who live and die by those social rules, but for the most part, I think it's just attractive. It doesn't hurt that both my guys are very verbal.
In addition,while being appropriately able to play with peers, they appear to be completely immune to the negative side of peer pressure. At one point, I heard a boy say to Luke something about daring him to do something. Luke plainly started, "I'm not doing that. It's too dangerous." Awesome, huh?
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