It's been a relatively eventful week here. We spent Monday and Tuesday evenings without the Daddy-Man, as he had commitments outside the home those evenings. Monday night he had an early leadership meeting for BSF, requiring him to go straight from work. Tuesday he hosted a speaker program and wasn't home until 9:45pm. I'm rather thankful that those events aren't common. The boys and I did fine, enjoying Oma's company Monday evening and eating breakfast for dinner on Tuesday, both wildly popular activities. I have also implemented the survival technique known as outside time after dinner, weather permitting. Monday I told both boys they needed to run across the yard as many times as possible. And they did. They loved it. Oma and I joined them and we all got some good exercise. It was hilarious. See pictures below.
Today in science we studied density, or why things float. The experiment was fairly obvious. Collect a bunch of stuff. Predict if it will sink or float. Then drop it in some water. Were you right? The boys LOVED it. In fact, an hour later, they are still at the kitchen table sinking and floating things. Aah, density.
Here are the pics:
Run, Luke, Run!

Sink or Float?

Our Sink or Float Chart. I started putting Y for "yes, it will float" but that became confusing so I switched to S for Sink and F for Float. The biggest surprise was the piece of wooden train track. The boys were positive it would sink. Explaining that wood is less dense than water made me feel like a genius and a magician all at once. They were VERY impressed.

Yes, I just added this one because it cracks me up.
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