Friday, April 1, 2011


I love to herald the beginning of spring by gifting each boy with a pinwheel. I realize many moms would turn this into a craft opportunity. I bought mine at Kmart. I don't craft and neither do my dudes. They would much rather jump and shout and run about. And I would much rather watch them! I digress. Yesterday was Pinwheel Day here. The weather was perfect and I had them in my closet, waiting. The boys were uber delighted. Hours of play commenced and have continued today. Yet another absolute advantage to having largely media deprived kids: they are so easily entertained.

This face accurately conveys how we all feel about pinwheels and spring - magic!


More running!


Funny faces and pinwheels. Life is good!

1 comment:

Jill Foley said...

"I don't craft and neither do my dudes" - you make me laugh!!!