Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday in the Park

We were supposed to go to the science museum today, but the boys had a really hard morning. After the third tantrum in less than two hours (we won't name names) Erik and I decided it would be best to forego large indoor crowds. Sadly, I had already informed the dudes about our intentions for the day's activity. (I know better!) That was a tough moment. Kudos to the Daddy-Man for breaking it to the boys and being the one to primarily deal with the fall-out. Oh, the tough lessons of parenting.

In order to help the boys deal with their grief AND provide us with some sort of family outing, we headed over to their favorite park. Just what the doctor ordered! Time running around outside with lots of space and very few social requirements. Love it.

While we were there, each boy discovered a new piece of playground equipment. Luke made friends with the tire swing while Paul enjoyed that thing you hold onto and slide back and forth with. (Bad grammar alert!) Here are the pics to prove it and please the fans. :-)

Yes, he actually spun around on it. It was hilarious to see him stand up afterward. I thought it was rather ingenious of him to discover that by standing in the middle of the tire, he could have some modicum of control, stopping easily by placing his feet down.

So sweet.

You can't see it very well, but Paul's grin is HUGE.

There's a better shot of the grin. Ready to go again, looking up at that bar.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

So fun to see the boys enjoying the sun!!!