Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Yes, They Go Outside

Lest you fear that these boys will spend the entire summer indoors reading, I will share a few shots from the past few days.

 Yesterday's activity involved swinging while wearing (fake) coon skin hats.  Delightful.

Today they both noticed that the channel drain needed cleaning, probably due to the high volume of dirt with which they fill it.  Get ready for the marked difference between siblings, people.

Luke used this handy, dandy shovel.

 Paul used his handy, dandy hands.  Happy Summer, Everyone!  Don't touch him.  He's busy.


Courtney said...

Your boys are so funny. I'm starting to get the impression that they are very dissimilar in how they approach things =)

Unknown said...

Dirt don't hurt...neither does mud...they had fun working on it Saturday also.