Saturday, August 2, 2008

Garage Sale Treasure

For weeks now Luke has been "borrowing" the clear plastic tubing from Paul's nebulizer and turning it into his boa constrictor. This has not been my favorite thing, but I allowed it because it hasn't been a battle I wanted to fight. Today my neighbor two doors down had a garage sale and won my battle for me! Three cheers for fifty cent purchases at garage sales.

A Very Happy Garage Sale Customer. Luke even handed over the money for this stunning specimen.

Yep. We are now the owners of a HUGE, blue, stuffed snake.

In other news, Paul is teething again, but what a happy teether.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Luke --- I love your new pet. What is nice name? maybe you can show me more about him on ichat this afternoon. Love, Grandma