The party started at 11am and it was a huge success. We had a stretching and warm up time. Hilarious. I tried to imitate Coach Bob from the community center. I don't know how he does it! I explained that we were going to do some warm up running. They should run until I said stop and then run again when I said go. They all ran toward me, and I said, "Stop!" Then I said, "Go" and they all ran in different directions!! It was crazy fun.
Other party highlights included the fact that Paul was content to sit in his highchair for the bulk of the party. He was so well-behaved. Eventually our wonderful neighbors, Tim and Taryn, took over on Paul and he got to eat a bunch of cake. :-) It's okay. It was a recipe from that new cookbook where you sneak vegetables into it was good for him, right?
Luke did a great job opening his presents. He was excellent about not stopping and playing with everything. By that time in the party, I seriously just wanted him to get through them all in one sitting. Did I mention that we are having a heat wave literally? It's currently 97 degrees, but earlier it was only 89 or so. Whew!
The birthday continues this afternoon. Luke awoke from his nap ready to play with his new toys. His very favorite at this moment is the family of animals that Tim and Taryn bought him. There are tigers, giraffes and elephants. They are the type that are realistically rendered and Luke adores them. He's also enamored with his "real" basketball. He really wants to learn to dribble like the bigger boys that play down the street. We are in the playroom while Daddy and Paul nap. I'll post a few pictures. I only took seventeen, but Lynne took some and so did another friend, so I'll have more tomorrow and the next day.
A wonderful party...a great time was had by all. Love, Grandma
It looks like a wonderful time was had by all. Looking forward to see you next week.
Love, Oma
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