Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sweet Nephews

The past two days have been good here. I am totally having crazy allergies, but I don't really care. My nephews are so sweet and adorable. Every time I sit down on the couch while Joe is around, he immediately sits down next to me and leans into me. He likes to snuggle. So do I.

Rory's birthday party was yesterday at 6 pm. He spent the entire afternoon saying, "eat birthday cake" over and over again. Yep. I know how that feels, buddy. Sometimes I just want to eat birthday cake, too.

I love spending time here, but I am totally missing my people. They need to invent that transporter beam from Star Trek already. There have been many times when I have wished the boys could be here...without traveling roughly six hours on a plane. And without invading the peace of this B&B. And I totally wish Erik could just beam here each evening, stay the night and then beam back to Portland for his workday.  C'mon, technology. Do your job.

And now some pictures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm all in favor of the beam me there Scotty plan. Looks like a good time is being had by all. Luke is currently building his lego "thing" is awesome. Have a great rest of the week
We miss you bunches and bunches.
Love, Mom