Tuesday, February 19, 2008


My oldest son has a pair of yellow rain boots, bought second-hand by his grandmother. He loves these boots. I believe the infatuation began when he realized that he could put them on and take them off without any adult assistance. It has only grown as he has discovered that they are not just rain boots. They are fireman boots. They are farmer boots. This morning they took on the role of workman boots as we headed out the door to my BSF Leadership meeting. He had been wearing "normal" shoes. Then I put on my black dress boots. Luke immediately needed to make a change in his wardrobe. Upon our arrival, many of the other leaders commented on Luke's snappy footwear. These exchanges went something like this. Well-intentioned BSF Leader: "Luke, I like your boots." Luke: "Those are my workman boots. I'm not Luke. I'm a workman." These phrases were said in what I call the "Daddy Voice." I believe Luke is trying to make his voice sound as much like Erik's as possible. Adorable.
After BSF, I figured the boot cuteness was pretty much done for the day. Not even close. After nap, Luke spotted Paul's yellow boots in his room. These were a gift from Oma and had not yet been discovered by Luke. Having remedied his previous oversight, Luke felt strongly that Paul and he should wear their boots together. Pictures were a must. Paul's boots didn't really fit - we waited a tad too long. Luke said that was okay because his boots fit fine. Aaah. The logic of the two year old. Maybe Paul will get another pair for the spring rains...
Luke just couldn't be more excited about showing Paul all about boots.

Luke shows Paul how to relax in boots.

Smiling in Boots

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Spring boots it is! Any two boys who share such a love of boots need to keep up they boot action.
Thanks for the pictures.
Love, Oma on a mission!