Saturday, February 16, 2008

So Much For Goals

I caught a cold. That's my lame excuse for not blogging every day. And Erik went out of town on business, so I was a single mom for a short while. I still have my cold, but at least Erik is home and my mom is in town creating a much more blog-friendly environment.
Despite being sick, we had a lovely Valentine's Day. We celebrated with another family by dining on heart-shaped pizza at a candlelit table. We also spent time playing games and laughing really hard. It was great. Here's a shot of Luke and playmate drawing on the white board.

Other cuteness occurred toward the end of the evening as Baby Paul spotted the camera. He and the Daddy-Man are looking pretty happy.

In other news, Paul turned seven months today. I took the pictures this morning and he couldn't have been more tickled. He is laughing outloud in most of these shots. Too cute!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you are feeling better honey. The boys are adorable as always.
Love PB's sweet giggle. Take care! Mom