Sunday, February 17, 2008

Food Fun

Here in BangsundLand we have been paying more attention to what we put into our mouths, mostly due to a wake-up call brought on by a good friend's angiogram. Our new favorites include steamed baby carrots and spinach salad with dinner. Luke has been known to eat both off his plate of his own free will. Wohoo! Because I'm feeling good about our vegetable intake, I've also introduced dessert about once a week. Luke's absolute favorite is a brownie, but you can't ever make just three of those and the whole pan is rather tempting. A good alternative is pudding. Instant pudding is awesome! The small box only makes four servings and they are only four ounces each. I do add a few chocolate chips, hence the names "Bugs in the Sand" for vanilla pudding and "Bugs in the Dirt" for chocolate pudding. I just couldn't resist. Next week is butterscotch pudding. Any name ideas?
Tonight was the dirt variety and the pictures tell the story better than I could. Baby Paul was plenty happy to watch Luke eat his. Those days are numbered.


Unknown said...

It looks as good as it tasted!
Fun times....Love, Mom

Lee said...

Bugs in the sand for butterscotch pudding? Funny :)