Sunday, April 29, 2007

Table Manners

"May I please be excused?" This is a common phrase in many households at the end of mealtime. I can remember asking for such permission, and now we are striving to instill it in our little guy. Our son, at 20-months, has instead adopted the not-so-popular-with-Mommy phrase, "I wanna get down." At the conclusion of his eating experience, he loudly proclaims this desire repeatedly. Tonight at dinner was no exception. We have taken to kindly asking each other if we may pleased be excused. It's odd.
In addition to his post-mealtime performance, Luke tends be somewhat lacking in the use of the word please during his dining ritual. He can say "more pizza" with extreme clarity, but struggles to add the please afterward. Maybe it's the alliteration that bothers him. Interestingly whenever we prompt him to say please, he often will repeat, "Say please." This is the only word he parrots in this fashion. And his "thank you" is always followed quickly by his own "you're welcome." Efficient, isn't he?
Despite these errors, Luke often comes up with just the right verbiage at just the right time. While sitting at the table tonight, only partially finished with his meal, covered in pesto sauce and spinach from the pizza, Luke looked right at me and said, "Mommy pretty. Mommy pretty." This statement was followed by the cutest little-boy smile ever. No argument from me, the kid has manners. Oh, you wanna get down. Okay, baby. Such a sweet boy.
I'm in big trouble.


Lynne said...

Hugs to you both-- I just read some of your recents posts and your darling son is napping peacefully....we are all truly blessed.

Love, MOM aka Gama

Unknown said...

Well just remember all good things take time----and yes he has learned the most important things first. What a precious boy! Like I use to tell you, "God has begun a good work in him."
Love, Oma