Monday, March 17, 2008

Mellow on Maui

We started our day one hour later than yesterday...5:30 am wake up instead of 4:30 am. That's improvement. We are encouraged. :-) The boys had a very mellow day that included some time playing with Grandma and Grandpa as well as an evening spent with Krista and Alex. More on that a bit later.

This morning we read Matthew 21 to Luke and told him the story of Palm Sunday. It was super cool to be able to look out our window and point out the palm trees with their long, waving branches. Luke liked the story so much, he had me tell it twice! It's always a challenge to say it in the exact same way. I can tell that he's trying to memorize the events, and he likes it when we use the same words and phrases. We always start by reading straight from the Bible, but then we tell the story in our own words, using some of the dialog from scripture. This is the way he hears the story at BSF and I can tell he really likes it. Although we missed worshiping with our friends back home, it was a blessing to remember Christ's triumphal entry and the shouts of Hosanna heard that morning so long ago. Amazing to me is that Jesus knew those same voices would be shouting, "Crucify him!" in less than a week's time.

Erik gave me the opportunity to have some time to myself this afternoon and I stole away to the beach for a long, quiet walk. The area we are in is not at all overly crowded. Although there were other folks out, I spent 90% of my time in solitude. It was delightful! I took some pictures on my phone...forgot the camera again. They didn't really turn out, but I know what it looked like.

Tonight Dave and Lynne took us to dinner at The Waterfront, an award winning restaurant about five doors down from our condos. As mentioned before Alex and Krista watched the kids. I love them because they don't take any guff from the two-year old and love him despite all his guff giving attempts. Dinner was amazing. Really amazing. I had onaga, a long-tailed red snapper, sauteed "en bastille." So yummy. I took a picture of my plate. See below. It was an absolutely delightful evening filled with laughter and insanely good food.

In even more important news, Paul turned eight months old today. Here's a picture of him with Sprout.

The humidity has totally turned Paul into the curly-haired cutie. No styling product was used on this baby at any time before or after the taking of this picture.

Luke and Paul

My dinner - so good.

Erik, Amy, Lynne, and Dave


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the smiles! :-)