Warning: To those who are not yet parents - Not all babies sleep like this one.
Well rested and feeling good, we all headed to church together. It was such fun to see folks we know and meet folks we didn't know. A newborn baby is a great thing for meeting people. Everyone wants to know how old he is and how I'm feeling. Because we are attending a new service held at a different campus of our church, we feel especially blessed to have Baby Paul to break the ice with people. :-) Worship was great and we headed home for nap time.
I have no idea how everyone else's nap time went because I took a pain pill and slept for three hours straight. Sah-weet! My recovery is going really well and I think it's because I am learning to unabashedly desert my family and pass out for a few hours in the afternoon. I know that Daddy and Oma can handle the boys. They are both such gifts from the Lord.
Grandma and Grandpa joined Oma, Erik, Luke, Paul and I for a family dinner tonight. It was super cool to have everyone together to share a meal and admire our boys. We call them the fan club; other people call them grandparents. I appreciate them because just when I think my toddler is going to turn out to be the rudest human being on the planet, a fan club member reminds me that he's actually sweet and has funny moments. Every mom needs a fan club for her kids. I'm thankful to God for ours.
Cute Baby Paul Story: When I burp him during a feeding, he nuzzles his fuzzy head right into my face and then tries to eat my nose. He then notices that he's looking directly at a face, his favorite object on the planet! The staring and memorizing commences, always accompanied by insanely cute facial expression.
Cute Brother Luke Story: Getting Luke to the dinner table can be a bit challenging these days. He's usually occupied in the playroom and doesn't really want to leave his adventures behind. Oma stepped into the playroom tonight and said, "I need a favor," intending to ask Luke to announce dinner to the family. Before she could get that far, Daddy came and scooped Luke up to bring him to the table. Luke looked at Daddy and said, "I need a favor." Daddy was a little taken aback but asked Luke what he needed. Luke didn't really know how to respond to that. He just knew that he needed a favor. Good place to start.
And now for the pictures.

Here are the boys sitting in their chairs checking out the neighborhood this morning. I can't get over how HUGE Luke looks next to Paul. Perspective sure is a funny thing.
Luke has been asking to hold Paul for days now. This morning we were able to make it happen with a little help from Oma. Luke takes his job as a big brother pretty seriously and wants to learn all there is to taking care of "his baby."
I wish Paul had been looking at the camera for this shot. He's got the cutest little grin on his face. He was fascinated by the reflections off the picture on the mantel behind me. Regardless, here is Paul's profile shot at almost two weeks of age. I'm in love again!
Thanks for the photos...and fun stories,
Love from your Fan Club
So amy, I am having a baby itch and would love to come and help out (hold baby), clean, play with luke...anything...when is the shower? He is such a little lamb...Jamie
I would be a fan even if I wasn't Oma! :-)
Love, Mom
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