Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Quiet Day

I realized while talking to a friend on the phone today that if I don't update each evening, many of you are going to wonder why. Is she in labor? Has the baby been born yet? Should I call her? Oh, friends, how I wish I could update you with something more exciting than this blog entry. Regardless, here it is, the most boring post you've ever read.

Luke headed off to spend the day with Grandma this morning. Needless to say, this leaves the house insanely quiet. Oma took the opportunity to head out and see a movie. I took a really long nap. Sheesh. This blog is headed downhill fast if I have too many more days similar to this one!

For dinner we ordered Thai food, thinking the spice might kick things into gear with Sprout. No news yet. Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, I was craving Thai food a couple of days ago. Got bad Thai food on Sat. and good Thai food on Sunday (love Thai Orchid)- anyway, hope that doesn't mean anything for us- craving Thai food that is. Stay cool and comfortable as you can in your "condition". Waiting along with everyone else for the BIG news.
